How we forgot to love

I wonder why do we keep ourselves so far away from happiness. We encage our soul from the world and are our own bomb creators. We fight ourselves instead of using all this power we’ve got to love us a little bit more. We became so protective and wasted all our young years building so many defence-walls around us that even the bravest warrior has it too hard to break them down.

We forgot how it feels to be loved and are not the only ones, even Bob Marley was insecure if it was love he was feeling when his soul was shivering by the touch of his lover.

We forgot that we are beautiful just the way we are and that some people around appreciate us even though they might have difficulties expressing it. Not only their words count but also their actions. We concentrate so much on what we want to hear that we often forget how full of lies the sounds coming out of a mouth could be if they are not coming directly from the heart. We often oversee the small actions of love we are given being busy searching for something bigger.

We label love and ignore its real face. But how could we be blamed for this ignorance when even the smallest actions of love didn’t delight us? How could we know love if we were trapped in a dark universe with no stars shining over us?

We used to breathe out all the pain inside us so we could make space for new emotionless feelings. Our soul hosted humiliation for so long that it had forgotten how was to feel happy inside and had mistaken fantasy for real life.

So many of us walk the shinny roads of this beautiful life still being dead asleep and some don’t wake up at all for only love could raise us from this slow-wave sleep we are caught in.